terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012


The Stigmatman

When you pass the street going to his church
He looks with disgust and superiority to beggars
Because you're going to love the Super Jesus
But who was the Super Jesus Christ, he was a king?
Jesus Christ was not a long-haired and bearded wanderer
You do not think he took a bath in forty days
Who was walking through the desert before the ordeal?
Jesus was a beggar discriminated by the bourgeoisie
The beggar you turn your face is like the Son of God
You love the whole weekend to be saved
Your mind is Poncius Pilate and his heart is the centurion

Who are I am?
Who are Iam?
I am the Stgmatman

Tiago Alves Pereira (27-05-12)

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