Sexfaction, Rocking
And Rollvolution
In nineteen fifty
begin a musical style
That would change the
world and all its generations
The singers soils
begin the Rock N Roll
With jeans , leather
jackets and much rebellion
In nineteen sixty
Rock enters the psychedelic age
In the wave osf
Hippies the letters begin peace and love
Sexfaction ,
Rocking And Rollvolution (2X)
In nineteen seventy
the sound starts to get faster
In the middle of the
decade, the outfit is black and the hairs are longer
Controversial topics
like sex and drugs become part of Hard Rock
In the mid of the
seventhies Punks arise with their torn clothes
His spiky hair and a
new way and to see politics and the whole system
Sexfaction ,
Rocking And Rollvolution (2X)
Oyeee!!! Baby (2X)
Come On!! (8X)
In thousand nine
hundred and eighty Hard Rock gets stronger by coating metal
In the middle of the
eighties Thrash , Death and Black Metal arises
That give more
aggressive style with themes of death and satanimism
All who died are
resting in Rock or in the eternal Metal memories
Today the style is
pretty much steel and it has more true followers in the world
Sexfaction ,
Rocking And Rollvolution (2X)
Oyeee!!! Baby (2X)
Come On!! (8X)
Tiago Alves Pereira
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