domingo, 6 de novembro de 2016


Todo mundo é bicha e sapatão Everybody is faggots and butchies

Eu to mais duro que pau de tarado
E meu filme mais queimado que rosca de viado (4X)
Todo mundo é bicha e sapatão, todo mundo é bicha e sapatão (8X)
Everybody is faggots and butchies (4X)

All people have a masculine and feminine side
All children when they are born bisexual
We are a mix of a woman with a man
There has thinner men than women voices
There are women who have more body hair than men
Have men who wear tight pants and pink shirts
That does not mean he uses a flower panties
There are women who wear baggy pants or jeans with zipper
That does not mean she will pee standing in the bathroom
The problem for everyone is always wondering
Of privacy, intimate and sexual of all people

Everybody is faggots and butchies (8X)

Tiago Alves Pereira (11-11-14)

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