quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2014


Hilton Sisters and Hensel Sisters (Siamese Twins)

Daisy and Violet Hilton were born in England in one thousand nine hundred and eight
Siamese twins who were born joined at the hip and buttocks

Hilton sisters (2X)
Siamese twins (2X)

The sisters have been known to dance in their performances and shows
Known sideshows until they quarrel and process their business
They made some musicals and appeared in the movie freaks in thousand nine hundred thirty-two
They died from the flu of Hong Kong in thousand nine hundred sixty-one
Daisy first died and after two to four days died Violet

Hilton sisters (2X)
Siamese twins (2X)

Abigail and Brittany Lee Hensel were born in the United States in nineteen ninety
Were born joined at the neck, each has the movements of an arm and a leg

Hensel sisters (2X)
Siamese twins (2X)

Managed to overcome its limitations studied, took driver's license and graduated college
Since small were harassed by the media and had several documentaries about their lives
In two thousand and twelve entered a reality show in search of job on a trip through Europe
Today the sisters Hensel twenty-three years old have only a certainty that they will die together

Hensel sisters (2X)
Siamese twins (5X)

Tiago Alves Pereira (24-07-13)

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